Monday, 13 February 2012

Permitted Development Rights Scotland 2012

New rules have been introduced this month (Feb 2012) that will take about 4000 planning applications out of the system each year.

The Scottish Government have introduced the changes so that projects such as some extensions, garages, sheds, garden decking and adding access ramps to properties will no longer require official planning permission.

They hope that this will mean more people will take the opportunity to start these smaller projects generating work for builders and other trades whilst saving the homeowner the time and money previously spent getting official permission.
The exceptions to these new rules will be for listed buildings and properties situated within conservation areas.

So if the thought of having to go through the planning procedure was putting you off that home improvement project then think again, your project might be one of the 4000 no longer requiring official permission. Best to check with your architect, just to make sure…