A Specialist Guide to Self Build…
I am taking the initiative to do this following the advice of my new fried Lyndon Forshaw (ukpropertyexpert.com) and hope that in the next 3-6mths I can compile a downloadable Self Build Help Guide. In the meantime, as I write the basics I am happy to post the guidance hot of the press, so to speak. Therafter I will tweak and edit until I am happy to formally issue this as a GuideSo you are thinking of starting a Self Build Project and perhaps this is your first? Well let me tell you that you are about to embark on one of the most exhilarating experiences of your life! Forget bungee or diving out of an aeroplane you are about to have just as much fun with your feet firmly on the ground.
I believe that there is no better way to get what you want from life than to start with your own home, not house. If you are after a house then you are a Developer and whilst there is nothing wrong with this but for the fact that passion about money will be your driver as opposed to passion for living in an environment created by you for you and your family.
Now let me be absolutely honest; I have yet to do my Own Self Build, however I have assisted many Clients with many small projects many of which have been self build properties.
Throughout this sequential Report I will offer you my experience and insight into the various stages of the process all of which will ensure that you Obtain and Deliver Your Vision.
Step 1 – Assessing the Site.
Step 2 – Choosing of Designing the House for the Site
Step 3 – Planning & Building Warrant
Step 4 – Production Information
Step 5 – Establishing the Cost
Step 6 - Getting Started on Site
Step 7 – Managing the Construction Process
Step 8 – Moving In
Watch out for Step 1 – Assessing the Site - Coming Soon.