Tuesday 6 October 2009

Business Is Booming

If you have been reading this blog you will be aware that Block Architects, Hamilton continue to work alongside actionCOACH. Last night I was at the 'Business is Booming' Seminar at Glasgow. Approximately 300 guests turned up to the FREE event where Brad disclosed 28 Ways to Boost your business. I find the teaching of actionCOACH to be fascinating.

Some of the topics that Brad covered included The Business Chassis, Customer Retention, Buy Build Sell, Gratitude and Celebration.

I have now worked with my Coach Mr Iain McKillop for over 4 years and as much as we have progress I need once more to get my head down and get back into growing a business. The economic cycle is changing. We all enjoyed the summer months ie economic boom and most of us suffered during the autumn and winter months. Well guess what! Spring is coming and yes the economic cycle is coming full circle. It's going to be summer time again and I am getting my head down and getting on with growing my business so that I can enjoy the good times. Why will I be able to enjoy the good times? Simply because I have planned for them! Get yourself a coach.


  1. Small World...I met someone yesterday who was at the same presentation. Apparently his last few points were about the need to employ the use of Social Media, I would like to have heard him.

  2. Yes, He recommended Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter and said the rest are not worth bothering about.

    He also suggested that a blog is a must and to remember that just because you are one business doesn't mean to say that you should only have one web page!

  3. Don't agree the rest are not worth bothering about:YouTube is now recognised as the 2nd largest search engine, Bebo and MySpace type sites are extremely important if you're trying to connect with younger users, Niche Networks are essential for targeting your market, StumbleUpon, Digg, del.icio.us etc are vital for social bookmarking, iTunes and several other podcast directories should not be overlooked and, a whole host of social sites such as Flikr. FriendFeed and SlideShare are important in the success of social media activity.

    It seems an extremely odd and misleading statement to make and I can only assume, since I wasn't there, that I'm taking this out of context.

  4. Hi Gordon. I would say that you are not taking it out of context. He did actually mention You tube and actually said that videos on a landing page of a web are a must!

    With reference to the remainder of the sites you just mentioned he said not to bother! I cannot comment as I don't use the other sites as I have my hands full with facebook, twitter and linkedin.
