Monday 9 November 2009

Completion Certificate Reinvestigated

Every week we are now asked by prospective clients to assist them with the sale of their properties by preparing drawings in retrospect.
On this basis I would like to bring to your attention the following scenarios and highlight the simple mistakes made by the prospects.
Attic Conversion to Storage Room - This particular enquiry came when a Prospect advised that they did some time ago convert their attic into a Storage Room. Our understanding is that they contacted the local Planning Department who told them that they did not require planning permission for an attic conversion. This of course is absolutley correct and the Client proceeded as informed by the local Planning Department, however when it came to selling the property they were then advised that a Building Warrant Application was required. PLEASE remember everyone that the Planning Department and Building Control Departments are both different in their role, performance and function and that it is not the Planning Department's responsibility to advise on whether or not a Building Warrant is required. Also, it is not appropriate to take your builder's advise on these matters. You should seek professional advice from a professional Architect who can inform you of the steps that you are require to take to ensure that the works you are undertaken are done legally with the proper consents in place.
Attic Conversion to Useable Bedroom in retrospect - At block architects we try as much as possible to avoid thse projects. Quite simply we find that many Clients embark on this process but do not take professional advise regarding the strengthening of roof timbers or proper specification of wall and roof insulations. On the few occasions that we have agreed to take on these projects it's with the Prospect's express understanding that they may have to and are willing to strip out all of the works completed and to start from scratch. Again Seek professional advice! In the end up you could spend DOUBLE your budget just to correct or undo works that have not been done to the Council's satisfaction. We are finding more an more that Certficates of Comfort are not being issued. It is the Council's view that you need to get your projects up to scratch!
Garage Conversion to Useable Room - This is a favourite one of mine because its the easiest to get right which means that its the easiest to get wrong also. We recently had a Client's builder call to suggest that he was going to send us a drawing and tell us how to do a drawing based on a garage conversion that he did in the past which of course was of little likeness to the Garage we were now trying to convert. On this basis we need to remind the Builder that it is our responsibility to provide a set of drawing which comply with the current building Standards. Its the Builder's responsibility to follow this and not make it up as he goes along.

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