Thursday 28 October 2010

Are Architects Entrepreneurs?

What's the definition of an Entrepreneur? We have had some healthy debate on our facebook page relating to this topic. I originally asked the question is an Architect who sets up his or her own practice automatically defined as an entrepreneur? Is this really an entrepreneurial step?

Let's face it, the step may well be bold and particularly brave in today's economic climate however I peronally think that being entrepreneurial requires much more vision.

Perhaps someone like Lord Foster could be considered entrepreneurial having founded a global Practice, not to mention his design accolades. I'm quite sure that he had a Vision to grow such an empire which was just as powerfull a vision as his desire to execute international cutting edge design.

So, back to the original question? Comments greatly welcomed. This could be healthy debate.


  1. I would agree that beginning a practice is bold, but it falls along the same lines as a doctor opening up his own practice. If you go by the numbers, it is fairly common - the vast majority of architecture firms have under 10 people. Now, starting a company that looks at architecture a different way, explores the real estate deliverable, or *gasp* gives a damn about staff development beyond getting the youngsters registered to lower E&O premiums - that would be entrepreneurial!

  2. 'An entrepreneur is a person who has possession of a new enterprise, venture or idea and assumes significant accountability for the inherent risks and the outcome'

    If the question is, 'is architecture 'new'?' the answer is no. If the question is 'do you want to approach architecture in a different way?' the answer is yes.

  3. Should we be approaching the business of architecture then in a different way?

  4. that is the great thing about architecture, it is an art, we are all different and approach things in a different way when designing. I think the question is what value does the client put on your services as an architect and are they willing to pay the proper rate for it? Maybe the 'design' elemnt, the intelectual thought element should be seperated financially from the technical side of being an architect

  5. Exactly. If most Architects think that they are 'Artists' and 'Designers' then there is hardly any room for Entrepreneurship. I dont think the two merge very well. I think that an Entrepreneur cannot get bogged down in the detail. Have you read E-myth by Michael Berger?

    This book is very clear re the path of the technician to self employed to Manager to Business Owner to Investor and Entrepreneur! To get to Entrepreneur level takes more Vision than simply dealing with the day to day issues of running an Architectural Practice.

    Looking ahead then what will the 'future' architectral Practice look like? Our industry is changing so how will our Practices change to suit?

  6. I invite you to join the Entrepreneur Architect Linkedin Group. We have more than 275 members discussing the topic of being an entrepreneur. I would love to have your thoughts on some of the topics we discuss. You will find us here --->>>

  7. Fivecat. Joined your linkedin group. Thanks. Please post your personal thoughts on this blog too.
