Wednesday 9 September 2009

The Teachings of Sir Jackie Stewart OBE

I have just returned last night from an Entrepreneurial Exchange event with Sir Jackie Stewart OBE. It was held last night at the Norton House Hotel in Edinburgh.

Here are some of the key points made by Jackie (as scripted by me):

  • Vision is more important than the Dream. Dreamers do not know how to get to the end result and complete the loop!
  • When starting a new professional or business relationship always think of the longterm relationship. These always return the best results. Shorterm relationships are not beneficial to anyone.
  • If you get out stay out! Don't drop your toe back in the water.
  • Always surround yourself with TOP people and specialists who know more than you OR if you fly with the crows you will get shot with the crows.
  • Attention to Detail is important - Always Deliver
  • Find your Councel. If you don't have a good Councel then seek one out. The most successful in life in business have good Councel.
  • Ask yourself 'How good am I and What are my failings.'
  • If you need something done go to today's men who are doiong a good job and forget about those who have a good reputation as this is of the past.

I am sure that there was many many more key points but these were the points that stood out to me.


  1. Yes, I was there too, I thought he was inspirational, intelligent, humble and, amusing.

  2. Again, i was there aswell. A true inspiration to us all.

    I would like to share a few quotes from Jackie's speech with you all.

    " Short term solutions cause long terms problems"

    "The most important thing is who you have around you...a great company is like a great brand"

    " I never concerned myself with money. I just knew that if i was winning i was earning"

    Kyle Murdoch
